

Why Owners Need Their Own Construction Software – Part 2


In our last post we started to discuss why owners need owners construction software. Based on the traffic and inquires we’ve received over this past week, we clearly hit a nerve.

A lot of you were upset for Tom and with good reason. We’ll talk more about him in the very near future because that situation offers some examples of why owner focused software is so important.

First, let us clarify what an owner is relative to a construction project.

An owner is any party who is writing a big check to build a school, new restaurant, new office building or heck, a zoo. Yes, people build zoos.

Owners of any commercial construction project should require software on their construction project because:

  • Information is powerful only if you have it
  • They walk away with keys, they should walk away with all of the project data too
  • It will keep all stakeholders focused and honest


Owners report project teams that are required to use a centralized software product like say, “Owner Insite” or something else, for all contractor, architect, engineer documentation see projects delivered more often than not on schedule and on or slightly below budget.

How is that possible?

1. Having a centralized software platform that everyone uses makes the sharing of information easier and more likely to occur. By enabling a simple software strategy on a project the owner gives each member of the team a platform and a process to formalize communication, documentation and historically track all critical project data.

2. By leveraging a common software platform, key project information and data can easily be stored, documented and utilized by the entire project team. This provides a powerful process to help facilitate communication, avoid mistakes and insures every single person on the project understands what is required of them in real time.

3. When an owner’s software is used on a project, the owner is never in the dark and the light of transparency always shines brightly on all project stakeholders. The days of unexpected change orders, missteps due to poor communication and cost over runs due to lack of approval process are a thing of the past. These mistakes simply don’t happen when an owner requires their software is used throughout every phase of their construction project.


It still surprises us how so many owners fear asserting themselves into the process of their own construction project. Our advice is this: If you are an owner don’t be a wallflower and remember who is writing the check for all of this.

(hmm, in case you forgot, that would be you!)

True if you’ve chosen the right architect, engineer and contractors you are hiring top flight professionals. However, they are are all working for you. The money you are spending to build your project is yours and yours alone. You can and you should dictate how you want your project to be documented, managed and how your want this top flight professional team to communicate and engage with one another.

That part requires an easy to use, simple to implement software for the entire project team to use. Of course we think the best one in the market is Owner Insite but we’re biased. I mean we only built the software for owners (notice we say it right in our name) so what do we know?

Bottom line, the biggest issues an owner may run into is not requiring their project is managed with the utmost care and consideration by all stakeholders.  The means requiring everyone to adhere to a set of common standards for managing all critical project data, documenting and historically tracking all communication and of course making sure they do their part. This simple but powerful approach will no doubt keep the entire project team focused and committed to a successful project outcome.

Next week, we’ll talk more specifically about how an owner can use software to stay updated and confident that their project will be worth every penny they are investing towards it.

ICYMI: Why Owners Need Their Own Construction Software – Part 1

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