Owner Insite > Document Features

Document Control

Document Control is Critical to Project Success

Secure and efficient document control is second only to communication in ensuring successful construction management. 

The Owner Insite platform is designed to make construction document control intuitive, so you can optimize your project team’s efficiency and create a detailed project lifecycle archive that’s always accessible.

Don’t lose your construction documents in dusty filing boxes. Keep them in the cloud, where you can access them anytime from any device. Lastly, once your project is archived and downloaded, you can access it forever.


Construction Document Control Creates Indelible Memory

According to construction industry statistics, miscommunication and inaccurate project data account for almost 50% of all reworks. If project teams can’t seamlessly access, manage, and share key project information, problems are almost inevitable . . . and in construction, problems always cost time and money.

Unfortunately, even when you have great people, they are only as good as their memories, and if team members retire, move on to new roles, or leave your company, they’re taking that memory with them.

Owner Insite’s document control process eliminates confusion and keeps you, the Owner, in control and your team in the know. More importantly, it makes it easy for any member of your current or future team to find critical project information before, during, and long after final completion and site handover. So no matter when you need them, your construction documents are at your fingertips, collected, collated, and easy to find.

Accountable Collaboration

Owners and project managers can easily add team members and document, track, and manage all their project information.

Automatic Version Control

By using a single project standard, accurate, up-to-date documentation is always immediately available to the stakeholders who need it.

Custom Organization

Project leaders can create and leverage custom folder structures to organize and store key project documents, ensuring no missing data.

Built-In Version and Revision Control

One of the biggest challenges in construction document control is that several versions of the document often exist. There might be several specifications issued for tender, several more issued for construction, and several more as the project evolves in the field.

Version and revision control is critical, so you can access the right version of every document when needed.

Owner Insite ensures that your archive contains every version and revision created during your project, so the project team is constantly working with the correct version of every document.

User-Friendly Data Structure

There’s a good reason why no one wants to find documents in your physical files and storage boxes. Even when adequately sorted and alphabetically or chronologically arranged, hours of searching are often required to find the right file, certificate, or record.

Owner Insite’s easily searchable electronic filing system reduces the time required to find the right information to a fraction of that.

Safe and Secure

Another big problem with physical file storage and construction document control is that often, important documents are removed from files and boxes and never returned. Unless you have copies, those documents are gone forever.

Owner Insite’s digital document control systems ensure that your records will never disappear, and with granular access, edit and delete permissions, and advanced security, you have complete control over every piece of information in perpetuity.  

Share and Collaborate

Modern teams often work from different offices—many work from different states or even different countries. Owner Insite’s innovative construction document control systems make it easy for teams to share information and collaborate, no matter where they are.

Linked Supporting Information

There’s a reason why construction document control is so important, even after the job is signed off and the building is in use.

Very often, disputes, questions, and other issues arise long after the project team has moved on. When that happens, it’s about more than change orders, non-conformance reports, and scopes of work. It’s about all the supporting documentation that caused or influenced the project.

The Owner Insite construction document control system makes it easy to link and store supporting information, including documents, images, and even videos. This means you’ll know exactly what happened and why, no matter how long it’s been since the project ended. Proper documentation means proper accountability and responsibility.

Design Management Tools

In addition to the most innovative and intuitive document control solutions for Owners and their representatives, the Owner Insite platform also includes powerful design management tools.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and our design management tools allow you to easily view, upload changes, or download current PDF versions of project drawings and diagrams.

Want to See This Feature in Action?

Schedule a 20-minute demo and learn how Owner Insite’s construction management software can potentially save you millions of dollars and months of lost time.