We are excited about a strategic alliance with our friends at Facility Insite (formerly called BondPlanner). Our goal is help school district leaders employ a better way to identify, track and update all the important information from each of their campuses.
Every district leader needs to know the details and the data about the campuses they support. Though Facility Insite can do a lot more for a school district, capturing key information in a single, reliable and easy-to-access source is an important first step.
The Campus Detail Can Help Highlight:
- When was the facility constructed?
- The last time renovations were completed.
- When were additions added?
- Functional and intended capacity.
This level of campus detail and information at the ready, is key to having successful district management. Their tools makes it easy to access it anywhere and anytime you need it.
We are excited to develop this relationship with Facility Insite. The value of their tools and how seamlessly this information can be integrated into Owner Insite and our new Asset Management platforms is a game changer for K-12 school districts .
Let us help your school better plan, manage and construct the very best learning environments for students and staff.
To learn more about all the capabilities of Facility Insite, check out their website: https://www.facility-insite.com/
To discuss how Owner Insite can help your district obtain special pricing through us, please call 888-336-3393 or click here to contact us!
Additionally; Be sure to watch out for future blogs as we will discuss other features that can be performed within the software. Some of these features are:
- Assessments – have facility assessments completed to use this actionable information for future renovations as well as historical look back.
- Projects – easily create projects and sub-projects.
- ACE Vue – Applied Contingency Estimates can be added with the click of a button to future projects to determine a more realistic escalated cost of construction, if deferred.
- Bond Scenarios – Effortlessly create multiple Bond scenarios by adding or subtracting a project with one click.