

Project Team Leader

As CEO of Owner Insite I am committed to helping construction teams of all sizes utilize our construction project management software to help facilitate a better project experience for everyone. In fact our stated goal is simple – provide the right people with a predictable, repeatable process supported by easy to use technology that makes everyone’s jobs a little bit easier.

We work hard at building software, that is a tool which benefits every single stakeholder on the project. From the Owner, owner’s reps and project managers to the contractors and architects, our software was designed to streamline the project document management with tracking and document control of critical construction data.  Data when used correctly insures that everyone stays informed, up-to-date and accountable for their individual job on the construction project.

But the best software is only as good as the people using it and more to the point, the people leading the team to use it.

That’s where a strong project team leader comes in.

In every successful construction project we have ever seen there was that one individual who took it upon themselves to set the tone and expectations. They played the role of quarterback on the project making sure the team” functioned as a finely tuned unit. This proactive approach helped the project team understand the level of expectations by which everyone, regardless of position on the project, would be evaluated and held accountable.

A strong project team leader is there to communicate and educate as well as motivate, encourage and drive performance. They aren’t necessarily there to punish or to make people feel like “big brother” is watching. Their only goal is to make sure everyone has what they need – whether it’s information, technology, assets and resources to deliver the very best job performance they can.

When I often think about how our own software product has evolved and grown over these past few years it’s very similar to how a construction project evolves. It was often a strong project team leader who pulled the troops together, got them excited about the new features we were developing and was there as a sounding board and to offer feedback  when and if things didn’t go well. The project team leaders always knew exactly when to apply the right amount of pressure and encouragement to accommodate a pending deadline.

I bet if you think about the construction project successes and failures you have seen or experienced in your own career – the presence or absence of a strong project team leader was a big factor in the end result.


By the way, we excel at helping project team leaders maintain visibility and control by leveraging some powerful tools in our software to keep the team moving forward and towards a successful result. If you’re interested in learning more click the button below:


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