

Is Your Team Less Productive?

I recently sat down with author and attention management expert Maura Nevel Thomas to discuss a problem that I know a lot of our clients and stakeholders face – information overload. It was a marvelous conversation that we actually got on video that I look forward to bringing to you in the next few weeks.

One of the biggest issues construction project management teams struggle with is organization and time management. There’s so much data that flies between project stakeholders that it can become overwhelming just trying to keep up.

Our team at Owner Insite has worked very hard to create a construction project management software that helps owners, owner’s reps, project managers, architects, contractors and engineers seemlessly document, track and manage critical project data. Even as great as our construction software is, we know  keeping up with all the information such as documents, design changes, RFIs, submittals, issues, punchlists, budget changes, and all those emails is tough. Heck just writing it like that makes little beads of sweat form on my forehead just thinking about all that our construction teams have to keep up with!

Even the easiest construction software in the market (which we think Owner Insite is) can create a lot of noise and pressure for a project stakeholder to keep up with. The demands of a busy project can often make a stakeholder feel that they must multitask just to keep up day-to-day. Pressing project deadlines, due dates and the constant chirp of our email inbox and text messages often makes it seem impossible to get anything done that actually needs to be done.

That’s where Maura suggests we stop and reevaluate how we work and where we place our attention at various times throughout the day.

Maura has written a very interesting blog post about this overwhelm and asks the question of whether you (and me) are actually making our employees less productive? I thought  her post was just too powerful not to share. Perhaps it might make construction project leaders stop and think about how they manage expectations and start helping their construction teams actual handle the stress and overwhelm of information overload better!

Here’s the link to her post, I am sure you’ll find it interesting:


As I mentioned, we’ll be highlighting our interview with Maura in the coming weeks. We are super excited to share what turned out to be a super powerful conversation with Maura on a variety of wide ranging topics from managing your email and document workflow, to how one leverages a powerful tool like construction project managment software (think Owner Insite – yes, a shameless but important plug) to stay informed and up-to-date.

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