

Communicating With Your Community

check box for vote when communicating with your community

When it comes to bonds, your community decides whether it passes or fails. You may have the best package that’s well-researched, backed by reliable data, and perfectly put together to support your school district for years to come. But if your community doesn’t understand it and is not up to speed on the needs of the district, chances are good they won’t pass it. That’s why it is so important to communicate with your community.

There are many ways to communicate with your school district community. In person meetings are the best way to get your information out there since you can take questions and clarify anything that people are confused about. You can send out mailers detailing bond plans and invite the community to respond to you with questions and comments. Whatever method you choose, it’s imperative that you clearly communicate your plans, and communicate them early. Giving people ample time to respond with questions and comments gives you a greater chance of getting a positive response when your bond is up for a vote.

What matters most to your community is the why; WHY do you need this bond? Who will it help? How will it help? Not only do you need to clearly communicate the details of the bond and what it entails, but also the reasons behind it. Are your schools maxed out on space and need more classrooms so the kids can comfortably learn? Are the buildings and tools outdated and in need of a refresh to help teachers be more effective in their teaching? Sharing these reasons and the why behind the bond helps your community have a better understanding of the bond, and makes them more willing to vote yes when the time comes.

You want to give your bond every opportunity to pass, and that means two things. Use reliable data to create your bond packages, and clearly and concisely communicate the details of that package to your community. With Facility Insite, you will be able to plan for your future using historical facts and actionable data.  And once you have that solid plan put together, you can share it with the community along with all the reasons the bond is necessary and why it is needed for your district. The combination of a solid bond backed by detailed and honest whys creates a package that is more likely to pass when the voting time arrives.

We want to give your bond the best chance to pass; that’s why we built Facility Insite. Contact us today for more information and a free demo.

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